
How to Catch a Man in Seven Days ( Levi x Reader )

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She had a crush, and boy did she have it bad.

On whom you ask? Well let me give you some hints; this short bastard walks around with a stick up his ass acting like he owns the damn place. You can't leave behind a single crumb after you eat your food or you'll receive stable duty for a month, and his ability for killing 'big ass' things was second to none. He's lived on the streets so one would think him rude; but they'd be wrong, he's not rude. He's absolutely unbearable. Unfortunately for her, that's exactly how she likes 'im.

..Oh wait, did she mention he's hot? No? Well fuck, he's that too.

That's right my dear friends (f/n) (l/n) was falling hard for Captain Levi Ackerman; good luck to her.

Now since this little crush had gone unnoticed for too long ( it's not like she was very obvious with it ) she finally decided that she has had enough. Seven days, she'd make him hers in seven days. How? Well why don't you just watch and learn~

The 7 days plan:

Day 1) Make him tea. Low acknowledgement, smaller rewards.
Effective level: (3/10)

Day 2) Clean everything, do it exceptionally well. Bigger work load, bigger achievements.
Effective level: (5/10)

Day 3) Make him sweat it out, ignore him. Biggest game changer for all relationships.
Effective level: (7/10)

Day 4) Apologize, make him something delicious to eat~ Definitely rewarding, especially if you can cook!
Effective level: (7.5/10)

Day 5) Get 'sick'! Make the poor guy take care of you! Gross for him, but it teaches him to care!
Effective Level: (8/10)

Day 6) Make him jealous! Not very much fun for you, but most definitely a big help for your ( hopefully ) future relationship.
Effective level: (9/10)

Day 7) Survey Corps Mission! Impress him with your skills! Eventually you just got to straight out strut your stuff.
Effective level: (10/10)

Result: new boyfriend by the end of the week! (Hopefully)

Well now that she's made her plan, all that's left is to put it into effect: operation 'catch my man with my seven day plan!' is now officially a go.


Day 1)

Oh lovely, lovely can't you see; what the mere sight of you does to me?

Starting off short and sweet she decides to make him tea. It wasn't that hard of a task, and not altogether noticeable; start off slow. Usually Levi makes his own tea, mostly because he never trusts anyone else to get it right, but this time she was going to make it, and oh boy, was he gonna like it!

She knew how to do it correctly, she had been assigned to kitchen clean up duty a long time ago and happened to be working almost every time Levi was making his tea. It was fairly simple to re-create; exactly 200 ml of water per tea bag, he liked it strong but not too strong. Be sure to add milk around the 30 second mark of steeping ( 15 ml ) than add 1 teaspoon of honey about a minute in and wait for another minute. Next remove the tea bag and stir gently. Allow it to cool for another two minutes; then serve!

..well, it had been simple until she actually began. First she was having a very difficult time with making the water exactly 200.. It was 201 a couple times, and 199 but never 200, it took nearly twenty minutes just to get the damn water right! At this rate Levi would be back from his meeting ( the meeting she was conveniently using as her cover for tea making). After putting that into the kettle and leaving it to boil she left to collect and measure the remaining ingredients. She got the tea bag, tea cup, milk, honey and stopwatch ( this was going to be perfect! ) , you also can't forget the other measuring cups!

After the kettle began to steam she removed it from the stove and poured the water into the cup, placing the tea bag in as well, before returning to her measuring. She had at that point got the milk to exactly 15 ml and was now struggling with the honey, before she knew it the stopwatch had let out its little alarm to alert her that it had now been 30 seconds; that milk better get a move on!

Quickly pouring the milk into the mix ( careful not to spill ) she ran back to deal with that pesky honey; adding another 30 seconds. And oh lord did those seconds fly by, the honey wasn't exactly perfect but hopefully it was the thought that counts! Yeah right.. Never the less she rushed it to the cup and let it soak in for another minute before removing the spoon and tea bag. Two minutes to go!

With clean up now underway the two minutes that should have been agonizingly slow went by quite quick! She was very happy with how the tea looked and she knew Levi would be too ( would he? Would he really? )! After just putting everything away she moved to place the tea on a tray she had gotten out; accidentally spilling some of the hot liquid on herself in the process.

She let out a quick 'yelp!' and recoiled too fast for the tray to steady, it fell to the floor and now she had a mess! Very upset with herself she didn't notice the figure enter the room, at least not until it spoke to her.

"(f/n) (l/n), what the hell do you think you're doing to this kitchen?!"

She whipped around, clearly startled at the voice, before she slipped in her newly made tea puddle and fell onto her butt. Rubbing it as she slowly got up, she turned ( carefully this time ) to the source of the voice; Mr. Man of her Mind, Levi Ackerman. God dammit, why didn't she notice the time?! Of course he would have to walk in right when she was being nominated for the award of 'Ms. Clumsy of the World'!

"Uh.. Levi Heichou.. Um I was making tea?"

He gave her a brief once over.

"You don't drink tea, you told me it makes you ill."

Oh crap, she had said that, one time when they spoke during her cleaning and his tea making sessions..

"I thought if I made it the way you did, it might not.. "

Oh nice one! That's a very good excuse indeed; 1-0 (f/n)!

"Well if you were avoiding sickness; you've done it wrong. That tea is old and was supposed to be thrown in the rubbish, by you actually."

Oh, she remembered that too now. That had also come up in one of their tea/cleaning conversations.. 1 000 000/ 1 for Levi. Check mate sweetheart, hope you still have your dignity; yeah right. Quickly avoiding her he moved to make his own tea, using the correct kind and getting everything perfect; then he left with a quick:

"This better be spotless ( he gestures to the puddle ) before I return my dishes, you little shit." And then he was gone, muttering profanities about clumsy recruits and moldy tea.

(f/n) smacked herself real hard in the face with the palm of her hand; she couldn't even get the right type of tea.

This was going to be harder than she thought.


Day 2)

Dear boy, dear boy; oh please be mine! Today I'm finding you rather fine~

This was it, Day 2, wipe the previous failure from your mind. It's a whole new day, full of new possibilities, yes? Of course! And today she was going to nail it; today was chores day! She wasn't the biggest fan of cleaning, but she was very thorough and she knew that was always a good thing when dealing with Levi.. In fact, it's probably the reason she hadn't been kicked out of the survey corps yet; she was just to damn good.. At cleaning at least.

Now to make sure he knew it was her who finished everything, the previous night she made a bet with everyone in the house; a bet she just knew she'd lose. And she did, so with the stakes being that the loser cleans the whole house, she began her task very early. Hopefully it would be done in time so that she could begin on the kitchen when Levi made his morning tea!

Everything was going according to plan, the bathroom was done already, so were all the bedrooms ( of the recruits at least, they were forbidden from any squad leaders rooms ). The living area was almost finished and soon enough she would start on the stairs! Then, assuming it took the time she imagined it would, she would be beginning in the kitchen at the same time Levi would be using it! And, since everyone found themselves chore free today, they did whatever they wanted on this beautiful day.. Meaning she'd be all alone except for Levi; Perfect.

Finishing the living area she moved to the stairs. She started off well, with high spirits and a very good attitude. But it quickly fell down from there; literally. On the second to the top step there was a very large spider, hiding right underneath the over hang of the top step. Now everyone knew that (f/n) was terrified of spiders; hell, they almost made shirts with the reaction photo of the last time she'd seen one. Thank the Lord they didn't.

So as expected from Ms. Clumsy of the World ( congratulations on that title too by the way, you won by a landslide! ) she let out a very loud scream and took a huge tumble down all the steps before landing very hard on her bottom; again.

She didn't even attempt to move as she heard the one person she hadn't wanted to see ( at least, not at that moment ).

"Well good morning to you too, you little shit."

Fuck. She may have gotten up really, really early to clean; but Levi was an early riser as well.. And his room was on the top floor.. The flaw in an otherwise perfect plan! She stood muttering curses and finished the stairs; it wasn't all bad though, Levi had killed the spider for her (what a sweety! ).. Although it may have been because she threatened to empty the vacuum on the bottom steps so he couldn't walk past.. She got stable duty for two months for that one.

On the bright side, she had the rest of the day to create the preparations for tomorrow's stage; this will not fail!


Day 3)

Baby, baby please see through; this clever disguise I've set against you.

This was it; the dreaded day 3. The whole day she would have to ignore the being that's been in her thoughts more often than she'd care to admit. The whole God. Damn. Day. This was most definitely the most difficult task of the seven day plan.. If she could do this; she could do anything!

..if she could do this, mind you.

Beginning her day as usual, she headed out to the breakfast hall. For breakfast today was her absolute favourite; pancakes and maple syrup*, with orange juice and a small fruit salad on the side. Sadly though, pancakes day chose to fall on Day 3, the day that she was too sick to her stomach to eat very much of it. The day she surrendered it to Sasha and took her leave to go for a walk through the surrounding forest.

In theory it's very easy to ignore someone; the easiest! In practice however, it was anything but.. It was only 10 am and she was already feeling like abandoning this, trying again maybe a month from now.. Yeah, maybe she'd be ready by then..

..No! She would not give up now, she was gonna snag this guy whether he liked it or not! And with her newfound spirit she returned to the home and continued ignoring Levi throughout the day. Admittedly it wasn't that hard, it's not like he would seek her out and talk to her, and most of his days were scheduled practically down to his bowel movements ( thank god they weren't though ) so he was rather easy to avoid.

She wasn't really finding happiness in the ignoring part of this plan, but most definitely finding a sense of satisfaction in the fact that it was going so well today! It was the little victories that counted, at least, that's what she thought were important.

It was dinner time now and once in awhile she even spotted Levi looking in her direction.. Well, her general direction.. He might have been watching Eren and Jean start a fight with each other again; but he could always be using that as an excuse to stare at her! Still, she ignored him. She wouldn't mess it up, not when she's done so well.

Later that evening she made her way to the stables. For the next two months that she was expected to clean them someone had taken her kitchen job for her. Lucky. She hated cleaning the stables, everyone did of course, but she was sure that she hated it more. Especially since it was the reason she couldn't join Levi in the kitchen as he made his evening tea. Gosh she hated cleaning the stables.. Did she mention that already? Yes? No? Well, either way she did.

About half way through her task and she was already covered in mud ( at least she hoped it was mud ) and pissed out of her mind. She would have to shower at least twenty times to satisfy herself; probably twice that to meet Levi's standards. But she continued mostly uninterrupted until someone entered the stables and walked over to their horse; she briefly checked the stall number. Shit; it was Levi's!

Of course he would walk in when she was embarrassingly dirty and attempting to ignore him. Very hard to do when you find silence awkward and you're all alone with the guy. Crap; she could only see one option at this point.

When she saw Levi turn to her, she knew it was time. Whether he wished to ask her something, scold her or rant to her about whatever was on his mind she'd never know.

She'd taken off running. She ran fast, she ran far; hell, she ran until she couldn't run anymore. Then she collapsed in a disgusting sweaty, muddy ( please just be mud! ), gasping heap.

Then walked all the way back with the biggest grin she's ever had. Her first successful mission!


Day 4)

Sweetheart, sweetheart.. Can't you see? It's just a joke, so come back to me~

Okay. This was going to be real simple, all you have to do is make Levi something he can take to those pesky morning meetings he always has! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

So.. Muffins? Muffins. Definitely. She decided on blueberry oatmeal muffins. She was sure she knew a recipe and planned to make them from scratch; but she wasn't quite sure on a few of the ingredients.. Aw well, she was sure she'd be fine!

She took basics like the flour, milk, eggs, oil etc. and all the needed utensils, bowls, measuring spoons/ cups and anything else she needed. The only thing she didn't actually have were blueberries, but she planned to pick those at first-ish light. That's right, it was still dark and most likely around 2 in the morning, give or take. Why? Well since she no longer had kitchen duty she had no real excuse to be in there anymore so she had to do it before 5; that's when kitchen duty started and that's when Levi got ready for his 6 am morning meetings!

So 2 am morning muffins? Yes please.

After spending about 2 hours measuring, mixing and cleaning every step of the way she finally decided to go get her bowl and go outside to the garden and pick the blueberries! Now if she could only find it..

..there it is! Now she could go outside. So she slipped on a jacket and walked out into the chilly morning air and began towards the garden. Now the garden was actually a little off campus and into the forest, there was a river that cut through it which had very nice soil for growing plants; especially blueberries. So after about a five minute jog ( to warm herself up a little ) she reached the plants and began picking; completely forgetting she was on a strict time crunch.

Half an hour later and she was back in the kitchen panicking; she had just put the muffins in now and there was a high possibility that they would be underdone! She was covered in blueberry juice and really needed to change.. She left the kitchen and quickly ran down to her shared room, opening her drawers and re-dressing in a frenzy before racing back to the kitchen to find.. Nothing.. There were no muffins in the oven, no dirty dishes, no.. Anything.

But wait, there was a whistling.. She looked at the clock on the wall; shit! It was quarter after 5! The morning cleanup was in and they just threw out all of her hard work!

Honestly, she was just not catching any breaks.. Was she?


Day 5

Doctor, doctor what do I do? I've come down with a real bad case of lovin' you~

Since nothing else had worked, these last steps were crucial; the 'I'm sick, take care of me' stunt was a classic! She'd read so many books and they had all ended in the best possible ways; that was going to happen for her too, for sure!

So begin the first stage; the sleepy eyed, bed head look. Constantly keep coughing and yawning; sneezing on command, though difficult, is also very helpful! Then just wait until someone noticed.. And wait.. and wait.. Honestly! Did anyone other than her even live here?! Where were they?! She could be dying and nobody would know. No wait; she was dying remember? Yes, she was dying and needed medical attention; and soon.

There was a knock at her door; well it was a start..

"Oi you little shit. You better be in there dying, because you're sure as hell not where you're supposed to be!"

Oh? Levi himself had come, and so soon.. She didn't know what to think now; this was going unexplainably well.

She let out a soft sneeze and turned over so she was facing away from the door. The door which quickly was swung open by a fuming Levi. He stalked over to the bed and just glared down at her. She didn't open her eyes, or move in the slightest; she didn't even breath. She just waited, and waited.

Finally she decided to see what was taking him so long or if he was even still there and turned her head. Big mistake, Levi's face was right over her own and she freaked out, not expecting this lack of distance. She sat up real fast, knocking heads with the corporal as she did so.

Oh boy, he was not happy about that one. Not happy at all; he grabbed his head like he had just been shot and just ranted on, and on and on. He was like an endless cursing waterfall; there was no stopping him. Eventually when he was done yelling at her ( which had to have been at least forty minutes later ) he just screamed at her to 'get your ass out of bed, you little shit! I don't care if you're dying anymore, you better move and get to work before I make you wish you really had died'

Well, so far so bad!


Day) 6

Oh honey, honey we've taken it so slow! So let's get together and go, go, go~

Brushing off the horrific failure that was yesterday's stage, she was getting herself fully prepared. Today she was going all the way; she did her hair, applied some nice make up ( not too much, but enough to make her point ), and made sure her uniform was on correctly. This was the jealousy stage, which meant that she'd have to do some flirting.. Darn. Either way she was ready to do what she had to; so out into this very grey morning she went.

Now it was no secret that Jean and Eren had a thing for her, Mikasa (her roommate) had actually told her herself. They remained friends when she told her that she was, straight up, into Levi. They tried to give each other advice on boys and such, but nothing ever worked; so now? She was sure to let her into her plan. She would flirt with them, but she wouldn't mean it. Mikasa was okay with it and wished her luck; so commence mission!

The first thing she saw was that it was oatmeal day.. She wasn't the biggest fan of oatmeal. Never the less she sat down; right between a fighting Jean and Eren. They fell silent. She looked to them both, and asked what was wrong.

"N-nothing! It's just, you look very nice today (f/n)!" Wow, so it was Eren who spoke first; what a nice guy!

"Forget what Jeager said, you look much nicer than that; you're stunning!" Oh, thanks Jean.

She played it cool, she just thanked them both and smiled bright; making the boys blush quite red.

The day continued pretty much the same way. She would make the effort to talk to people ( mostly the guys ) throughout the day; and they would continue to seek her out. All the other girls had known about her plan and were all for it, so they helped by making themselves scarce. Levi had passed by a few times, though he only scowled and walked away.

Unfortunately for her, time was running down and Levi hadn't done anything more. She wasn't quite sure what he would do in the first place, but she was sure he hadn't done it yet. Pretty soon she had to excuse herself from everyone and begin stable duty; what a crappy day! Nothing had worked and all she had got was Jean and Eren following her to the stables with the intention of helping. She didn't want them too as she had the idea to practice her 3DMG skills afterwards in preparations for tomorrow's mission outside the wall; but they insisted.

By the end of it though she had to leave. Eren had said something about Jean's long face and how the stables must feel like home to him, and that started an all out mud   ( Please just be mud! ) flinging fight; which she did not want any part of.

She went outside and strapped on her 3DMG and took to the trees. She started with basic turns and spins, then got into more complicated maneuvers she'd seen Levi use to kill titans.. Why was she just copying him though, why wasn't she being original? Well, someone once said:

Imitations was the best form of flattery.

So copying it is! As she progressed further and further into these moves she realized how tricky they actually were. Much higher of a level than her own skills ( which weren't too shabby actually ) and she quickly found herself panicking as she continued to get twisted and tangled in her wires. It had started raining about twenty minutes back and now she was thoroughly screwed. The harder these turns got, the closer she was to slipping. She decided that she's probably done enough and that her skills were about as good as they were going to get in terms of tomorrow's mission.

Just as she was going to begin her decent one of her wires slipped out from its hold and she fell. She had to retract her other wire so she wouldn't swing into the tree and therefore fell directly into the ground. She landed rather harshly on her side and she thought she heard a crack; but she felt no unusual pain other than what she should feel from the fall and her gear looked fine.

It must have been nothing; that was her end conclusion, so back to the house she limped.


Day 7)

Captain, captain can't you see; All I really want is for you to like me..

The next morning was an early one. She couldn't sleep because she was too nervous that her plan wasn't going well enough. That, also paired with the fact that she'd be seeing the titans again, meant it was another 2 am rising.

Trying hard not to wake Mikasa she tip toed to her drawers and took her new clothes to the showers with her. She spent ages in the shower, thinking everything through; she planned everything for the day down to the last slice. The idea was to go with everyone, but when a dangerous titan showed itself she would be the one to kill it.. Not Levi, but her! He'd be so impressed; maybe he'd announce his love right there~

..hah! That was a thought.

So turning off her shower she changed and went to the breakfast hall early, it was around 3:30 now ( the shower used all the hot water, but she knew nobody ever showers on titan mission day ) and the first people to enter weren't usually until around 4.

It was around 4:30 that they all geared up and mounted their horses; the plan of this mission was purely to see how far they could go. Nothing to hard, therefore not everybody was actually going. The only squad going was Levi's squad which now consisted of; Levi ( that's a given ), her ( also a given ), Armin, Mikasa, Eren, Jean, Sahsa, Connie, Bertoldt and Reiner. There were one or two seniors who she didn't know that came as well, but that was all.

The plan was to split into two groups and flank a titan if it happened to come their way. A senior lead one group and had Mikasa, Bertoldt, Reiner, Sahsa and Connie. That left the other senior, her, Levi, Armin, Eren, and Jean for the other group; Levi of course at the head. They took off through the city at 5 and were out of the walls by 5:30.

They traveled for a while but encountered no titans. This was excellent news, except for (f/n). I mean, she wasn't wishing for a titan attack or anything, but it might help her case with Levi.. Oh speak of the devil! There was one now!

The squads quickly separated so that they flanked him, it seemed to size both groups up before it dove towards her side. It was fast; it moved faster than was anticipated and quickly grabbed the senior from her squad. Definitely an abnormal. The other senior connected with the titan and took off up towards the base of its neck; he got hi-

No. The titan swung it's arm behind and grabbed him, he was dead in a second. There was no time for grief however as other titans had made themselves seen as they advanced on the two groups.

(f/n) was waiting and watching the first titans movements until she saw her opening. Reiner had attacked one ankle while Bertoldt went for the other one; she moved while it was distracted. Grabbing it's arm with the 3DMG she connected and took off; she heard a voice in the background calling her off, but she ignored it. When she landed on its arm and disconnected she sprinted towards its neck; it had shaken Reiner and Bertoldt off a moment ago and was advancing on her rather quick with it's other arm. She was expecting this and managed to jump over onto it and continue her run, whilst doing this she quickly sent her gear wires towards the base of its neck; this bastard was going down!

Except, it didn't. Her gear wasn't working! Looks like that fall yesterday had done worse for her gear then she had initially assumed.

"Shit! Abort mission! Repeat; abort mission!"

She continued to run as she had no other choice, but her gear wouldn't cooperate no matter what she did. She let out a quick curse as she felt the titan shift and closed her eyes as the giant fist connected with her; it didn't grab her, just sent her flying.

After the impact she opened her eyes as she fell, just in time to witness Levi kill the damn thing; as flawless as ever.

Why couldn't she be more like him?

Why couldn't she do better, be better?

Why couldn't he like her the way she liked him?

That was her last thought as she connected with the ground, then everything went blank.


Day 28

She opened her eyes, trying not to shut them again at the harsh light. She sat up slowly, to avoid aggravating the pounding in her head that just wouldn't stop; she looked around. She was inside and clearly alive, though where and how were the questions she wanted to ask. She could remember quite vividly that she had been knocked off that titan and slammed into the ground, and hard too. How could she have possibly survived that? Either way, she was very thankful to have been so fortunate.

Moving every part of her body to see what damage she had collected she noticed she had fared pretty well; a broken arm, a few broken ribs and what appeared to be a sprained ankle, but other than that she didn't appear to be sporting anything more. Oh, she also had a head injury. This was evidenced by the bandage which was wrapped around her head ( way to tight actually, so thank you very much! ) and the fact she had that previously mentioned pounding migraine.

She didn't really know how to go from here though. She hadn't the slightest where she was, who was looking after her or even what day it was. She assumed she had been in a coma for a while, that's what usually happens in these situations. So she did the best thing she could think of, she attempted to stand and walk out the door and hopefully find someone.

Well that was a great plan until she got to the stairs; which she then proceeded to fall down. She let out a very loud, and long scream that was cut short only by the final impact onto the floor. That really wasn't smart, was it? Either way she heard someone rushing towards her, she turned her head to the source and was shocked to see Levi looking rather panicked.

She moved to a sitting position and turned her head to look at whatever was freaking him out. Was there a mess? Something out of place? Nope. There was nothing, so what could be-

"You little shit, the hell are you doing out of bed?!"

Oh it was her then.

"Levi Heichou, what's wrong?" Wow her voice sounded awful.

"What's wrong is you! You just wake up form a coma that's lasted three weeks and the first thing you do is fall down the god damn stairs! You're lucky you didn't die!" He all but screamed at her. She was slightly offended, you'd think someone would be a bit happier when a comatose patient makes a recovery.. But I guess if they have shit for brains like she did then..

Man, she really wished she was cooler at this point; she must be a complete idiot. She didn't really know why, but the thought made her immensely sad. The next thing she noticed was that her cheeks felt wet; she was crying. Now Levi clearly wasn't expecting this, to be honest; she wasn't either. She kind of hoped he knew what he was doing, because she sure didn't. But from his next actions, it didn't really seem like it. He had instantly changed his posture. He was no longer fuming and ready to breath fire, he looked almost scared. He walked towards her and began to talk.

"Fuck, just.. Fuck! Don't cry, please don't cry.. You've done nothing wrong, and you're alive and okay and that's really all that matters here and.. "

He said more but at that point she was beyond comprehending his words. She failed; she didn't kill that titan, she couldn't save her comrades because she was to focused on succeeding, she failed the mission and Levi still didn't know how she felt about him. Nothing had gone right, why couldn't she be different?! Her sobbing only increased, his stammering did as well until;

"Why are you crying (f/n)..?"

She didn't respond at first, not until he shook her. She wiped her eyes and looked to him, she wasn't 100% about what to say.. But the words seemed to come out, so she let them.

"Because, ever since I've met you I've wanted you to like me. I thought that maybe if I could do better or be better than maybe you'd notice. I really like you Levi, so much it hurts. I'm crying because nothing has gone right, I'm crying because it hurts to be alone. I love you, and I'm so pathetic that the only way to express this frustration is with these tears!"

She probably would have said more; a lot actually. Maybe her whole life story, but she was a little distracted by the lips that were currently on hers. They were soft and surprisingly gentle, the arms wrapped around her were the same. Everything about this embrace was..sweet. She was very surprised, but not unappreciative. Levi was kissing her, and before she looked like an even bigger idiot she had managed to kiss him back. Clearly she had missed something, but it didn't matter anymore. What was clear was that he felt the same way, and that was what was important.

She also could see that making a seven days plan to force someone to love you didn't work; being your clumsy self, then getting into a life threatening accident however..

..With the chaos in her mind finally sorted out, she pulled away ( her next priority of course was air! ), and Levi was quick to place his hand on her head and bring her closer so their foreheads were touching.

"Oh idiot, my idiot don't you ever change for me; the way you are now is what makes me truly happy."
*im Canadian, sue me.

Hey guys, I'm back from fishing! This unfortunately was the only thing I had time to write, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Nothing but the story is mine.
© 2014 - 2024 ChayChan
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Canterburry's avatar
The story is solo good and I like the poem (: